Cavalor Hepato Liq - 250 ml

CAVALOR HEPATIC LIQUID Diätfutter zur Unterstützung der Leber. Der Pferdekörper muss viele Abfallstoffe verarbeiten. Cavalor Hepato Liq unterstützt den Stoffwechsel. Zum Erhalt der Gesundheit Ihres Pferdes. CAVALOR HEPATO LIQ - Professional Line Indication for use Waste products of metabolism are detoxified or filtered and subsequently removed from the horse's body. If that process fails to function, waste products accumulate and this may result in various complaints. Cavalor Hepato Liq is a preparation for horses containing natural substances which - as a supplement to the daily feed ration - play an important role in the protection and regeneration of the organs responsible for detoxification but also lighten the workload on these organs. For example,
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