Mikikit Hundehosenhose: Bunt Gestreifte Haustierhund Windeln Sanit?r Physiologische Hosen Doggy K?tzchen Unterw?sche- Hosen Design Versch?rfen Die Sanit?rblicken mit Gurten- Xs
- Baumwolle, super bequem. Die elastische Schlinge mit Knopfdesign modisch, komfortabel und leicht zu tragen und abzuheben. - Stripe design with pleasant color and brightness. Cotton is soft, smooth, breathable, comfortable, washable and reusable to keep your adorable pooch healthy. - The shoulder strap with decoration is designed to make your pet look cute and easy to wear. The pads are sewn into the diaper and waterproof outer layer to leaks and damage to carpets, rugs, upholstered chairs and sofas. - Effectively dogs from mating freely during the rut and becoming pregnant. Keep your home clean and your dog healthy. Easy to use dog diaper package. Suitable for untrained puppies, estrus females and dogs with aggressive urination or incontinence. - A method to help carpets, floors, and household items from damage,, and caused pet urine, blood, and feces. Can also be used as a diaper to solve the problem of the puppy not peeing in the designated area.