Hängematte Mit Flauschigem Futter Und Mit Tasche, Nagetier Hängematte,Hängematte Kleintier Höhle Haus Häuschen Ratte Chinchilla Frettchen Hamster Für Ratten, Hamster, Chinchillas Und Eichhörnchen
von luckything

4,89 €
Farbe: B20*20cm
Versand: 2,99 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
Small Pet Hammock: The pet cage hammock is a double-layer geometric maze hammock, providing multiple play and space, increasing the fun of small pet. Premium Material: The Hamster hammock is made of soft coral fleece and arctic fleece, comfortable and warm, universal for all seasons. Comfortable Nest: The hole shape can provide a private space for your pet, so that the pet can get the best relaxation and reduce stress. Convenient Installation: With a hook, you can easily fix the small nest firmly in the cage. Wide Application: The pet hammock is suitable for various small animals, comfortable hammocks for chinchillas, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs and other small pets.
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